Sunday, 18 May 2014

What have I been doing (Friday)

I was exploring the responses I got to the 3 minutes stream of consciousness writing about every day life that I got people to do, through use of found objects. The use of found objects was inspired by research on Peter Blake's collections and Joseph Cornell's boxes. I then photographed the results.

One response talked about making breakfast for the family before catching the bus, but on this particular day, the porridge they had made was unsuccessful. I explored this using a tin bowl, combined with a bus ticket onto which I added a quote from the paragraph.

I think this worked well as it combines elements of what I was trying to represent, as well as looking quite visually good due to the colour palette and simplicity. It looks at first glance a bit like a painted plate but with the added texture of the bus ticket it subverts this idea. 

I also think the use of the plate is nice as it is a very every day, normal domestic object, which links well with my theme.

I then tried representing a different response by collecting objects together in a box. The first photograph I took of it was accidentally far too overexposed but I think it gave quite an interesting effect. It creates an impression of confusion and mysteriousness.

The plainness of the box on the outside contrasted with the vibrancy of the objects inside, creating a juxtaposition between within and without like I've been exploring.

On Photoshop I then combined one of the images with the text I had based it off. I like the concept of it but I was in a rush so it's very sloppy looking. I'm going to redo it better. I really like how it works though and I'd like to keep exploring the paragraphs I've collected in a similar way. The combination of text and image complement one another visually and create a stronger impression than each in isolation.

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