Sunday, 9 March 2014

Drawing Experiments

This week we started our Final Major Project which is super super important and even more super stressful. On Friday we had a drawing lesson to just start us off drawing more experimentally and generating ideas. The theme of my project is 'The Every Day' so I was working with drawing every day food packaging, inspired by John Bratby's Jean and Table Top (1953-4) which I saw in the Grave's art gallery this week and includes branded food items to give a sense of realism and normality.
We had to make drawings and then work back into them, ripping up and reconstituting, and then developing in other ways. It was important to use a lot of different media and we were working to short time limits (like 2 minutes to a drawing).
Anyway forgive the horrible quality iPod photos.

I like the way the black ink looks on the brown paper and also the touches of blue in this one. I don't really like the pale patch though; I think it's too big and distracts from the overall image. I could think about masking some of it in some way. But I think the mix of different textures and materials works well as it adds interest.

This one is made out of lots of different elements of drawings put together. I think it's ended up looking a but too busy and cluttered. In future I could work on leaving more negative space and considering the composition more. The colour scheme I think is interesting though because it's not colours I would normally use. I also used some mathematical tables as background material which I think adds a good texture and unexpected element.

 I did this one on a long thin strip of paper really small, because I usually work pretty big and wanted to add some variation. I really like the colour palette of this because it's very limited but effective and cute. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I want to try working on a small scale more.

This is a development of the previous image where I've photocopied it repeatedly to make a pattern. I think it works pretty well although it does look quite abstract. Again the colours are pretty good and I like the contrast between the bold stripes and thin lines. I'd like to do some more work with pattern later on.

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